01. Play With Fire (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
02. Danger (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
03. Come Clean (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
04. The Getaway (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
05. Dignity (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
06. Gypsy Woman (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
07. Someone's Watching Over Me (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
08. Beat of My Heart (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
09. Why Not (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
10. So Yesterday (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
11. With Love (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
12. Wake Up (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
13. I Wish (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
14. Outside of You (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
15. Fly (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
16. Happy (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
17. Dreamer (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
18. Backup Intros and Band Jam (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
19. Reach Out (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
20. Stranger (Live at Gibson Amphitheatre)
За предоставленный альбом отдельное спасибо Владиславу!
p.s. Данный альбом выпущен официально

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Всего: 22
5980 - это возраст Фан-Клуба в днях